Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Steps of utilization of human mind

Following are general steps defining the utilization of human mind in an activity.
  1. Question your surrounding
  2. Question beyond your surrounding
  3. Think for what to adopt
  4. Maximize following of adoption
If required go back to previous steps.

People may apply this to maximize anything which interests or affects them, be it education and research, paid professional research, business need, scientific advancement and religious/non-religious thinking. While the activities which do not involve above general steps fall into norms, culture and control. If an activity expects utilization of mind but above mentioned steps are not followed then the person is in illusion. Questioning always breaks illusion and borrowed questions may introduce stronger illusion; if questions are borrowed then expansion through step 2 should not be borrowed to full in order to keep it reasonably natural. A point to note here, thinking is natural but illusion is sleeping drug to our human mind.

Friday, September 3, 2010

[Paper]: Blogosphere Topic Clustering and Ranking

The paper deals with the Identification and Ranking of Topic Clusters in the blogosphere. Topic clusters represent in this paper the concept of grouping together blogs sharing a common interest i.e. topic. The algorithm takes into account both the hyperlinked social network of blogs along with the content in the blog posts. Topic-specific ranks are assigned to each blog in the cluster using a metric called “Topic Discussion Rank,” that helps in identifying the most influential blog for a specific topic. Experiments show that the presented method reaches a high level of accuracy.

This method proposed suggests a hybrid approach: first, content words of the blog posts are used to determine the relevance of a blog for a given concept, and thus the assignment to a "cluster". Second the links originating from the blog are used to rank the relevance of the blogs within the "cluster".

In the age of Web 2.0 the blogosphere has assumed a very significant role and it serves as an opinion dissemination medium; as such this research is part of a long-term project on blogosphere research and we would like to invite students/researchers who are interested in this area to collaborate with us. I recommend such people to contact me through email at atifms@kaist.ac.kr or matifq@yahoo.com; or they can contact my colleague at arjumandms@kaist.ac.kr or arjumand_younus@yahoo.com.

The full text of the paper can be downloaded from this link: paper.

Additionally a discussion on the workshop: collaboratively constructed semantic resources can be found here and your comments are also welcome.